West Coast Wellness

TMJ Disorder After a Car Accident

It is not uncommon for an individual to suffer from TMJ Disorder after a car accident. Often, accident injuries can result in the development of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, commonly referred to as TMJ Disorder. The temporomandibular joint connects the jaw to the temporal bones in the skull at the front of each ear. This joint operates as a hinge, allowing the mouth to open to perform a number of functions including talking, eating or yawning. If the temporomandibular joint becomes disrupted it can result in significant pain in the jaw joint and the muscles that control jaw movement. Unfortunately, TMJ Disorder is common injury reported after car accidents, even accidents where the jaw is not directly impacted.

According to a study published in the Journal of the American Dental Association, one in three people exposed to whiplash trauma is at risk for developing delayed TMJ symptoms. The study determined that new symptoms of TMJ pain, dysfunction, or both, was five times higher in injured subjects as opposed to uninjured control subjects. The study also showed that females were more susceptible to TMJ pain than their male counterparts. Accordingly, if you experience symptoms of a TMJ Disorder after a car accident, it is important to seek immediate medical attention.

Individuals may experience jaw and facial pain as symptoms of TMJ Disorder after a car accident. However, there are many signs and symptoms of TMJ Disorder, often making it difficult to properly diagnose. Patients suffering from TMJ Disorder can nevertheless face many health issues including jaw pain or tenderness, difficulty opening or closing the mouth, difficulty or pain when chewing, as well as facial aches and aches around the ear. Many individuals develop problems such as teeth clenching as a result of TMJ Disorder. Occasionally, TMJ Disorder can cause a clicking sound or grating sensation when an individual opens their mouth or chews. Consequently, the symptoms associated with TMJ can be disruptive and adversely affect an individual’s daily activities and life.

According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, there are three common TMJ Disorders that individuals often experience. These common TMJ Disorders include muscle complications, joint and disc displacement and arthritis. A TMJ Disorder that arises after a car accident is generally the result of trauma and jaw injuries causing the joint to become dislocated. Moreover, trauma or injury to the jaw may displace the TMJ’s soft, shock-absorbing disc found in the ball-and-socket portion of the disc. Either injury is serious and requires immediate medical attention.

If you have persistent pain or tenderness in your jaw as a result of TMJ Disorder after a car accident, West Coast Wellness is here to help. Since 1984, Dr. Daniel Barr has helped injured patients throughout Southwest Florida address their pain and regain their health. Dr. Barr has successfully treated thousands of patients using his unique chiropractic treatment protocols. If you are experiencing symptoms related to TMJ Disorder after a car accident, West Coast Wellness is here to make you healthy again. Call (941) 210-3969 to learn more about what treatment options are available to you.

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